Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Yeah right?

I’ve been busy … some work at the office caught up with me and at home df and I have been doing a bit of autumn cleaning. The cleaning frenzy is probably fuelled by the knowledge that the really sunny warm weather won’t last … and maybe too by the thought that my baby (the younger of two at 22) is visiting us in May. The garden needs to be readied for its winter slumber. We’ve just eaten the last of the peaches … the strawberries are still doing well, as are the passion fruit, the beans .. and the weeds!

The good weather is predicted to continue for a little while longer. The other day the weather girl who makes her appearance just after the evening news was winding her way through the usual district, towns, etc when she came up with this amazing phrase 'Auckland just keeps on keeping on’! What’s that about?

Isn’t it weird what people say? Linda, a colleague, was discussing the imminent arrival of another colleague’s baby and commented, ‘by this stage you start feeling like a floundering whale’! How picturesque!

And df has the annoying habit of proclaiming, ‘If it’s meant to happen it will’. Plagiarising from the famous ad for Tui Beer all I can say is, Yeah right? Some of the Tui ads have been controversial enough to have been taken to the Advertising Standards Complaints Board. "US Intelligence... Yeah right", was one such. Common sense prevailed and the Board ruled that ‘the beer company billboard did not reach the threshold of causing serious or widespread offence, as it was humorous and satirical and would be recognised as such by the viewer.’ If you are feeling humorous and/or satirical why not enter the 'Yeah Right' Competition?


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